Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Are Perfectionists Born or Created By Their Environment?

First, let me start off by saying that I don't know the answer to this question, which is why I ask it. If you would have asked me five years ago, before I had children, I would have told you they were created by their environment, and that it was ALL my mother's fault that I am the perfectionist that I am. However, having children has changed that perspective (and some others as well!). Maybe perfectionism is inherited, I think some fancy science department needs to do a study on that, or maybe they already have. I have 2 dd's. The 5 year old has perfectionist tendancies, but is not over come to the point of paralysis by it. My 4 year old however, is a perfectionist through and through. I have noticed it more recently in the past 6 months or so, everything from piano playing, to writing her alphabet, to the way her shoes fit has to be just perfect or we enter melt-down mode.

Today was a prime example of perfectionism in action. We went on our first nature hike for school. With all the supplies collected and in our water-proof bag, we set off into the woods and down to the creek (see next post for details and picture!). After checking out some of the scenery and God's creations, we sat down on the creek bank to draw. My Abbey couldn't get anything to go on the paper. She whined and fussed about how she couldn't draw this and she wouldn't be able to draw that. Everything I suggested was met with some sort of objection, which is what brought me to the question above. I don't understand what makes her think she CAN'T do anything. To my knowledge no one has ever critized her drawing or any other ability, so I don't know where it comes from. Is it part of nature, nurture or is it just heredity?

We talked about the only perfect person in all the world, Jesus. We also talked about how much Jesus loves us no matter what we look like, or how we play piano or how well we draw. I'm not sure if the message actually got through, but I pray it did. I really don't want a life of paralyzing perfectionism for either of my girls. For the record, she did finally decide to draw a water bug we saw floating down the creek - here it is for your viewing enjoyment.

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