Monday, August 11, 2008

We almost made it.....

Today, August 11th, was our first day of school for this year. Jacey started 1st grade and Abbey started Kindergarten. The day started out well, with everyone excited. When you home school, I don't think the excitement is quite as grand as when you actual GO to school. I mean, we have new curriculum and stuff, but there's no new teacher, or classroom. No need for new clothes or shoes, pretty much the only thing that changes is the schedule at home and the pace of things.

Here we are ready to begin our exciting new journey....

As for the almost made it part, we made it until 2:25pm without anyone (including me!) crying. I thought we were going to make it the whole day, but I pushed just a little to hard for Abbey to color her drawing of the 3rd day of creation. I should have seen it coming, the pouty face, the whining voice, the "But I can't...", but I ignored ALL the warnings and pressed on. Hopefully, I'll do better tomorrow. I'm really proud we made it that long though!

I have lots more to write about, but I am trying to start something else new and radical here at home. I'm trying to get to bed at a decent hour! I know, it probably won't last for long, but to be honest, I'm exhausted and I don't want to be the one crying tomorrow!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Have a wonder filled new year!